Sunday, October 4, 2009

How do we reach 16-29 years old Americans outside the church?

Recently, I started to read "unchristian". Kinnaman who worked for Barna Research has a passion for describing what the 16-29 year old Americans think about us (Christians). A quote that he believe sums up what this group thinks about Christians, "We have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for." Here is some research that stood out.

Some negatives

87 % believe that Christians are judgmental a lot or some of the times.
75% believe that Christians are too involved in politics a lot or some of the times.
70% believe that Christians are confusing a lot or some of the times.

Some positives

76% believe that Christians have good principles and value system a lot or some of the times.
71% believe that Christians are friendly a lot or some of the times.

I tend to see missions as only an international endeavor. It is important for the American church to realize that there is a mission field in our backyard. It is the next generation of American youth. Have we made the effort to speak their language, hear their complaints and serve their needs. The irony is, we will spend large sums of money to address real issues for international missions, yet we have a different standard for the youth we live near. The church needs to see missions as "both and", not an"either or" proposition. I commend David and Gabe the authors of this book for showing me how to think about the next generation. We (CRPC) will be committed to reaching the needs of 16-29 years old.

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