Friday, October 2, 2009

Brad and Stacey in Vienna

Such a movement has already begun in Germany. Young German nationals are planting churches in urban centers. across Germany. Austria is still a long way off. There are very few Austrian pastors, and even fewer young Austrian church planters.Of course we're here in Vienna to plant New City Wien. Yet my great desire is NOT to be the front man of one church plant 10 years from now, but to raise up a generation of Austrian and international leaders, and in time to move into the background, to train and coach, to help launch--you guessed it--such a movement here in Vienna. Tomorrow I fly to Berlin to gather together with dozens of leaders from Germany's church planting movements to attend the City Mentoring Conference. A handful of us from Austria and other countries will be there, as well. I've been a part of church planting conferences in the US before, but have felt "on my own" to contextualize what I've learned. So I'm especially excited to glean from nationals who have been actively church planting for several years now.It's a short conference (1 day), but a jam-packed day all in German is a recipe for mental fatigue for me. Pray for my mind and heart to assimilate all I need to learn. Also pray for good connections with current leaders and especially with any future leaders interested in church planting in Vienna.

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