Monday, July 6, 2009

The Osbergs in Honduras

Dear Family and Friends,
As you have heard by now, Honduras is in turmoil. A Honduran friend recently sent out this email with the current facts.
1. The event this morning should be taken as an arrest against a Honduras citizen, Manuel Zelaya, who broke the constitutional Honduran law in multiple occasions over the last few days.
2. This SHOULD NOT be taken as a Coup d'état.
3. The vast majority of Honduras firmly opposes Manuel Zelaya and are in favor of his arrest.
4. The current news being portrayed in international networks appear to be heavily tilted toward a contrarian view of most Hondurans.
5. The majority of Honduras are not in favor of Manual Zelaya and are extremely proud of our congress and military for their stance in favor of democracy and peace.
6. The events happening today were caused by an attempt by Manuel Zelaya to manipulate our country and its constitution to fulfill his ultimate goal of remaining in power indefinitely.
7. The world should be proud of Honduras as we are the first Latin-American country to stand against a tyrannical leader who has tried to topple democracy and peace in our country.
8. Declarations made by Hugo Chavez should be discredited immediately. He should, as President Obama said, allow Hondurans to solve this issue through open communication following LEGAL processes.
9. It is not only in the interest of Honduras and its citizens that democracy prevails (supported by the events today and Manuel Zelaya’s arrest) but also in the interest of the UNITED STATES that no other countries align with Hugo Chavez (and his puppets) to build his empire against democracy and peace.
10. In case Hugo Chavez tries to use military force in Honduras, we hope and pray we can count on the United States to stand along side Honduras against the fight against tyranny and oppression."
Please pray specifically for Dennis and Amanda who have tickets to leave the country tomorrow, Wednesday. Pray that they are able to get out without a problem and join us in Florida.
There have been peaceful demonstrations in the capital city with thousands of Hondurans supporting the removal of the President and seeking justice to prevail. Pray for wisdom and truth to be revealed and for peace to return to Honduras.
Thank you for your continued prayers for this situation and for our family as we enjoy time together this summer.

Love and Blessings,
Dennis and Deb Osberg

Academia Los Pinares, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Summer Address: 4802 Washington, #1412, Hollywood, FL 33021

write checks out to Anaggello Global Missions, on the memo line write,
Honduras mission then mail to:
Anaggello Global Missions
6550 NE 21st Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308

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