Monday, July 20, 2009


July 17, 2009
Dear family and friends,
“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)
Almost twenty five years ago, in the fall of 1984, I wrote the following in my journal from Macuma in the eastern jungles of Ecuador. “We are here for a music seminar with the Shuar Believers. I am with Bonnie who is directing the seminar. We are staying with Jim and Norma Hedlund. What a beautiful work the Lord has wrought in the lives of the Shuar. As recently as their parents’ generation this tribe was involved in head hunting and shrinking, polygamy, and revenge killings for any little thing that went wrong in their lives.” From Macuma we went to the Shuar community of Yaapi where I wrote the following. “There has never been a music seminar here, and we are making slow progress. Bonnie ran into some unexpected opposition to the song that the participants wrote to a Shuar text and music. They have come to believe their own music is not worthwhile for worship so they have borrowed highland Quichua music or other foreign tunes for all their music in worship. Finally, Bonnie convinced them that their own music was suitable for God’s praises, and they wrote a beautiful song based on Revelation 4:11.” (Pictured below are some Shuar people. See also the attached PDF version of this letter with a copy of the song.)

Now flash forward to July 10 of this year. Bonnie’s mother, Alice Brawand, was speaking at the Wycliffe Bible Translators training center in Dallas, Texas. Norma Hedlund, who with her husband, Jim, was visiting from Minneapolis ran up to her. In a letter that Norma gave to Alice for us, Norma describes their encounter. “What a surprise last evening to suddenly awaken to the fact that the beautiful lady speaking had to be your Mom! So I told her and the rest that her daughter helped the Shuar write songs of which the most sung and favorite one wherever we go is Revelation 4:11 ‘Uintá, uintá ii Yúsrinme. Tuki shiir awajmáinme…’ Thank you once again for that amazing love hymn.”
Twenty five years ago we had been in Ecuador for two years. Little did we know then that we would leave Ecuador four years later for the US/Mexico border where we have been for over twenty years now. Almost thirty years in cross cultural missions have taught us that we are truly “strangers and pilgrims” on this earth (Hebrews 11:13). Heaven is our final home, and we look forward to the day when we will worship around Christ’s throne with our Shuar, Mexican and other brothers and sisters from “every nation, tribe, people and tongue” (Revelation 7:9, 10).
Thank you for the many encouraging letters, phone calls, e-mails and visits from so many of you letting us know that you are reading our updates and praying. Thank you for the many of you who are partnering with us in financial support. It is a privilege to serve the Lord together with all of you here on the US/Mexico border.
With thanks for you and love in Christ,
Glenn & Bonnie
Home Address: 1703 Terrace Drive w Mission, Texas 78572 w ph: (956) 583-3420 w

For tax-deductible contributions: HCJB Global w P. O. Box 39800 w Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9800 (Checks may be made out to
"HCJB Global", designated for Lafittes, acct. 110042.) For electronic funds transfer (EFT) or credit card, go to online.
Click "Donate Now", then "To Missionaries."
Communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ along the U.S. & Mexico border and around the world.
Broadcasting - KBNR - Brownsville, TX * KBNL - Laredo, TX * KEPX - Eagle Pass, TX * KVER - El Paso, TX * KRUC - Las Cruces, NM * KRMC - Douglas, AZ * KRMB - Bisbee, AZ * KNOG - Nogales, AZ * KYRM - Yuma, AZ * KBNO - Hood River, OR
Radio Cadena Manantial (RCM) - Satellite service with repeaters and affiliates across the U.S.
Academia Cristiana del Aire (ACA) - Bible Correspondence School * 15-minute Radio Bible-Teaching Programs * Prison Ministry
Broadcasting - KVMV- McAllen, TX * KBNJ - Corpus Christi, TX * KEPI - Eagle Pass, TX, * KWRB - Sierra Vista , AZ

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