Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prayer for the Wagners

I'm sorry to send out a second email so soon but we've had some major events here in Cusco.
The first is good. Fabiola's cardiologist testing to day showed the AV Defect in her heart is large, but operable. Just not in Peru. Some doctors in South Carolina are considering providing the surgery this baby needs at no cost. Please pray that God will work this out. There is NO money at all to make this happen. Only God can do it. It will mean Ramona will take Fabiola to Hartsville SC, and stay until she has healed enough to return to Peru. We hear that would be 3-4 months.
The second is a real mess. It looks like when a government representative gave us four small children to care for last week, that at least one of them had typhoid fever. Now, you guessed it, almost all of the children in the Josefine house have, or have symptoms of typhoid fever. Our missionaries & national workers are working hard to isolate the sick from the well children. Please pray that God will stop this fever quickly, and that it will not spread to the 50 child Noah's Ark Orphanage that is connected to us.
Thank you for praying.
Lord Bless, Rich & Ramona Wagner

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