Thursday, June 18, 2009

Glenn and Bonnie

GLENN & BONNIE missionaries on the U.S./Mexico Border June-July, 2009
Dear family and friends,As we all know, much of the national and international news from the US/Mexico border is not very encouraging - swine flu, kidnappings, murders, turf wars among the drug lords, the economy, the border wall, etc. For 37 years the World Radio Network (WRN) stations and ministries have brought a message of hope and encouragement in Jesus Christ that reaches the US/Mexico border and beyond. That message of hope and encouragement does not change with the changing political, law enforcement, public health and economic climate.KBNR FM, BROWNSVILLE, TX CELEBRATES 25 YEARS OF BRINGING GOOD NEWS TO THE BORDER
On April 23-25 a grand time was had by KBNR FM in Brownsville, Texas during their annual sharathon as they praised God for their first 25 years. The final payment for their building was turned in just one day before the sharathon! About 3,000 people (some estimated the crowd at 3500!) enjoyed the outdoor anniversary celebration service. Chema Reinoso from In Touch Ministries, preached on Jonah and urged people to not evade God’s call. He also spoke in Matamoros, Mexico.
One KBNR listener from Matamoros gushed with tears of joy. He had been a listener for the full 25 years. He poured out his heart to Abe Limon, WRN board member: “Please forgive me; I know I'm such a cry-baby,” he said in Spanish, “but I have been blessed by KBNR for a very long time.” He went on to tell Abe how he remembered KBNR was on the air for three or four hours in those early days;… how he was a single man back then and the only believer in his family; how he was ex-communicated from his family for having believed [in Christ] and for listening to KBNR; how he later married an unbelieving woman who was disabled and could not walk well; how he loved the station and she hated it; how God eventually touched his wife for Christ through KBNR’s ministry and how now she is able to stand and walk with a cane; how some of his family members now believe too; how he remembers praying that KBNR would be closer to the international bridge as he is from Matamoros and would pedal his way to KBNR on his bicycle, now a red-colored one with chrome handlebars; how he used to pray every time he would pass by [KBNR's present location] and would ask God why KBNR could not be there at that location which is a hop, skip, and short ride from the bridge; how he rejoiced when KBNR moved to its new location;…how he could not stay for this entire meeting as he had to pedal back to Mexico to tend to his ill wife. Abe said, “He was one of more than 3,500 who showed up that night; some on bikes, some on foot, some in cars.”

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